Here we will write two C programs to find the average of two numbers(entered by user). Example 1: Program to find the average of two numbers #include <stdio.h> int main () { int num1 , num2 ; float avg ; printf ( "Enter first number: " ); scanf ( "%d" ,& num1 ); printf ( "Enter second number: " ); scanf ( "%d" ,& num2 ); avg = ( float )( num1 + num2 )/ 2 ; //%.2f is used for displaying output upto two decimal places printf ( "Average of %d and %d is: %.2f" , num1 , num2 , avg ); return 0 ; } Output: Enter first number : 12 Enter second number : 13 Average of 12 and 13 is : 12.50 Example 2: Program to find the average using function In this program, we have created a user defined function average() for the calculation of average. The numbers entered by user are passed to this function during function call. #include <stdio.h> floa...